Thursday, 20 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Developing Surveys and Scales
Developing a Survey of the Effect of Environmental and Organizational Changes on Nursing in Rural Hospitals
Robin Purdy Newhouse, RN, PhD, Nursing Administration, The Johns Hopkins Hospital/University School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify the major issues that have affected nursing in rural hospitals since 1995.
Learning Objective #2: Describe the approach used to obtain adequate estimates of reliability and validity for a new instrument to explore major issues affecting nursing in rural hospitals.

The purpose this of this research was to develop an instrument to identify how environmental and organizational changes have affected nursing in rural hospitals since 1995 and to explore the issues surrounding implementation of evidence-based practice in rural hospitals.  The designs used were qualitative interviews with  survey development an pilot testing to obtain adequate psychometric estimates.  Ten rural hospital nurse executives completed a taped phone interview, answering open-ended questions related to environmental and hospital influences on nursing. An analysis of responses was conducted and survey questions constructed.  Content validity of this draft instrument was judged to be 1.0 by 4 experts after minor revisions.  The survey was pilot tested with 20 rural nurse executives for test-retest reliability and internal consistency.  Items with significant test-retest correlations at or above p=.10 and acceptable item-total correlations were included in the final survey.  Scales with continuous items resulted in acceptable internal consistency with a Cronbach’s alpha above .76. The resulting instrument consists of 102 specific questions related to issues unique to the rural nurse executive experience.  

See more of Developing Surveys and Scales
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)