Wednesday, 19 July 2006: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Nursing Research Residency: An Academic-Practice Partnership
Learning Objective #1: Discuss the critical components of instituting a hospital-based nursing research residency for doctoral students.
Learning Objective #2: Explain how research residencies provide students with real-world experiences conducting research, implementing evidence-based practice, and expanding research culture.
PhD programs in nursing focus on providing the essential coursework and mentored research experiences to prepare graduates as nurse researchers. It is typical that doctoral students research foci are specific sub-sets of the research agenda set by their advisors. With the successful completion of a dissertation, graduates are expected to be able to translate their research experiences across a wide-range of nursing and health care practice domains. However, for many, the experience with a very narrow subject area or particular methodology does not readily translate to clinical practice or serve as a foundation for establishing a clinical research agenda. The nursing research residency is an organized mechanism for doctoral students to work in the practice setting with real-world clinical issues that can be addressed through a research orientation. During the experience they work with nurses, physicians, and health care administrators, setting the research agenda, providing educational support for nurses in furthering evidence-based practice, and establishing the role of the nurse researcher. During the residency the doctoral student has access to the research activities of the facility, participating in institutional review, distilling research findings to practice protocols, and collaborating with researchers from other disciplines. This is a paid residency in which the PhD student works with a faculty mentorship. The residents have ongoing seminars in which they process through the effective strategies to expand nursing research and evidence-based practice. For many, the residency provides a setting for dissertation studies and access to subjects representative of specific populations. The nursing research residency provides a unique opportunity to increase funding for doctoral students and broaden their clinical research experiences, while at the same time, greatly enhancing the nursing research culture in a specific facility.
Organizer:Judith F. Karshmer, PhD, ARNP
 Nursing Research Residency: an Academic-Practice Partnership
Judith F. Karshmer, PhD, ARNP
 Nursing Research Residency: Generating Nursing Research Studies
Christine M. Olney, MS, RN
 Nursing Research Residency: Creating Organizational Support
Kelly D. Stamp, RN, MS
 Nursing Research Residency: Evidence-based Practice
Sarah E. Cobb, RN, MS