Wednesday, 19 July 2006: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Techniques and Tools for Implementing Evidence-Based Practice
Learning Objective #1: Identify administrative and policy considerations for the implementation phase of evidence-based practice.
Learning Objective #2: Describe evaluation strategies used to increase use of a confusion assessment in acute care.
Limited research is available on implementation or the translation of evidence into practice (Kitson, 2004; Stetler, 2004). Barriers to EBP implementation are known but specific knowledge regarding the most effective techniques or tools for the implementation phase is desperately needed in this evidence-based healthcare climate. This symposium explores the implementation phase of evidence-based practice in nursing. The symposium will be introduced with a description of the Stetler Model (1992; 1995) for research utilization. The model will be the framework for discussing administrative and policy considerations in evidence-based practice (EBP) such as: establishing a new culture of EBP, creating educational opportunities for organizational members, and sustaining a cultural shift. In addition, specific implementation strategies used in two large medical facilities will be described. Secondly, a tool for implementation, New Knowledge Discussion Groups, will be described. The tool or model has been used and evaluated for over sixteen years in many different settings. Initially, evaluation of the New Knowledge Discussion Groups model revealed great interest and enthusiasm for research among participants involved. More recently, the groups have switched their focus to emphasize implementation of the research read and discussed. Evaluative research on the implementation aspect will be shared for two previous groups and two groups in progress. Difficulty in implementation often involves issues related to work complexity and lack of “buy in” by nurses in practice. Through a research program on work complexity and nurse involvement in making change, themes related to the implementation phase of evidence-based practice were identified. These ideas will be discussed in this symposium. Finally, a case study on implementing a confusion assessment tool in an acute care setting will be shared. The clinical nurse specialist involved will share pre and post implementation data. In addition the strategies used for implementation will be described.
Organizer:Cheryl Riley-Doucet, PhD, RN
 Administration and Policy Considerations in Implementing EBP
Cheryl Riley-Doucet, PhD, RN
 Confusion Assessment in Acute Care: A Case Study
Carol Droegemueller
 New Knowledge Discussion Groups as an EBP Tool
Susan Diemert Moch, RN, PhD
 Nurse Work Complexity: Implications for Collaboration On Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice
Pat Ebright, RN, DNS