Saturday, 22 July 2006: 8:15 AM-9:45 AM
The Cage Model: An Evidence-Based Model for Enhancing Global Learning
Learning Objective #1: identify the strengths/challenges of the cage model as an authentic cross- cultural communication tool.
Learning Objective #2: understand the cage model simulator as a tool for helping students achieve an evidence-based approach to cross-cultural communication.
We will explore an evidence-based strategy for cultivating global communication and learning. Communication is critical for developing mutual respect and honor between individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Global learning based on the cage model by Mackay (1994) introduces a new type of learning that utilizes modern communication technologies to establish contact with a recipient; develop an in-depth understanding on individual’s written positionality; and mutually develop a high level of understanding and trust which lead to honor and respect for each other’s cultures. The cage model derives from a metaphor introduced by H. McKay (1994) that depicts the mysterious ‘distortion’ created as information is communicated across cultures. The bars that form the cage are the combined effect of life experiences (LE), cultural background (CB), and current context (CC) that develop one’s worldview and the ability to communicate. Every individual possesses his own unique bars to shape his own perceptions and at the cultural level, people will share similarities in the structure of the cage. For global learning and communication to occur, it needs to be an experiential process. The cage model simulator provides tools that equip learners with the means to incorporate new and cultural context into daily practice.
Organizer:Loretta Forlaw, DNSc, RN
Presenter:Nellie S. Smith, MSN