Saturday, 22 July 2006: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Implementing EBP in an Educational Setting: A Team Approach
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able identify advantages and disadvantages to using a team approach for EBP inquiry.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to utilize new tools for EBP search and critical appraisal.
This symposium is a summary of an innovative and successful collaboration between college of nursing clinical faculty and university librarians to remove barriers to evidence based practice due to lack of education or training in information retrieval, assessment, and critical appraisal. The initial team was developed when clinical faculty at a satellite campus asked how they could find the best educational method in teaching to reduce medication errors in nurses. The Director of the Center for the Advancement of Evidence-Based Practice was consulted at the main nursing campus. She assisted in the process with bimonthly meetings with faculty and the academic librarians. During these team meetings very innovative methods were developed to allow the team to share citations and articles on line and to facilitate the critical appraisal of the articles. This was not without some minor obstacles. The exchange of knowledge within a group can be a difficult process, rooted not only in the subject being discussed but also in the differences in the language and the focus of practice of the individuals. Several challenging events did occur within this interdisciplinary team, but the overall outcome was extremely positive. Unexpected successes were the increase in team moral and collaboration, as well as increased confidence in teaching evidenced base practice to students.
Organizer:Evelyn L. Cesarotti, PhD, FNP
 Developing a Model for EBP Online Search
Leslee Shell, MSL, Ellen Fineout-Overholt, PhD, RN, Sheila Hofstetter, MLS, AHIP
 Establishing a Common Language for an Interdisciplinary Team
Kimberlee Sutter, MS
 PICO Guides the Paradigm Shift
Roxena Wotring, RN, MS, Barbara Niesel, RNC, BSN, MN
 State of the Science: EBP in Nursing Education
Judy Hightower, MS, M, Ed, Kim Vana, MS