Saturday, 22 July 2006: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Military Nursing Care and Nurse Retention
Learning Objective #1: Describe 3 issues related to military and civilian nursing retention
Learning Objective #2: Identify 3 components of solider care
Introduction: Military Research focuses on care for patients in unique and often austere environments. In today's environment nurses are caring for critically ill patients in arduous and dangerous situations. This symposium illuminates possible answers on how to care for patients with injuries received during war or natural disasters along with a focus on the need to maintain a nursing workforce in order to be able to continue to care for military patients. Studies focusing on nursing care of soldiers, retention of nursing workforce, and a program of operational nursing research will be presented. Specific Aims: 1) describe how to deliver and better understand the care interventions that are required to treat soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries (pre and post deployment) in the U.S. Army; 2) describe the differences and challenges of retaining civilian and military nurses in the U.S. Navy; and 3) what is a program of operational nursing research in the U.S. Air Force. Implications/Findings: 1) Health care personnel are challenged to better manage soldiers with musculoskeletal injuries and expediate their return to full duty and unit leaders are challenged to create work environments that allow injured soldiers time to heal; 2) Factors affecting the satisfaction and retention of both military and civil service nurses are different and nurse managers are challenged with creating a work environment that will accommodate the diverse needs of both military and civilian nurses while balancing these needs with the needs of the organization; and 3) the implications, translation and application of lessons learned and findings from military unique research to civilian disaster response will be discussed.
Organizer:CDR Patricia Watts Kelley, DNSc, RN, FNP, GNP
 Disaster and Operational Nursing
Elizabeth J. Bridges, RN, PhD, CCNS
 Nursing Workforce Stability in Military Hospitals
George A. Zangaro, PhD, RN
 Soldier Care: Soldiers with Musculoskeletal Injuries
Bonnie Mowinski Jennings, DNSc, RN, FAAN