Friday, July 13, 2007
This presentation is part of : Nursing Workforce Strategies
Facing The Needs of the Registered Nurse: Evidenced-Based Retention Stratagies Across the Lifespan
Kimberly A. Williams, DNSc, Community Mental Health Nursing, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA and Linda Roussel, RN, DSN, Community-Mental Health Nursing Department, University of South Alabama College of Nursing, Mobile, AL, USA.
Learning Objective #1: The learner will be able to verbalize reasons registered nurses choose to remain in nursing and reasons registered nurse leave nursing across the lifespan.
Learning Objective #2: The learner will be able to verbalized recommendations for changes in the work-place envirnoment to retain nurses across the lifespan.

PROBLEM:  Retention in the healthcare workforce has numerous challenges.  Such challenges include increasing demand, slow growth and an aging registered nursing workforce.  Along with these challenges, the current workforce is one that is multigenerational with different generations requiring different needs.


EVIDENCE: Best practices to retain nurses include support of professional nursing practice through strategies that include Magnet Hospital recognition, preceptorships, refresher courses, differentiated nursing practice, and interdisciplinary collaboration.  However, the approach to retention in these areas must involve an in-depth look at work environment and a deep understanding of why professional nurses are leaving at a multigenerational level.  Addressing theses challenges requires recommendations of the registered nurse across the lifespan. 


STRATEGY: By using a triangulation methodology the quality of work life and level of satisfaction of inactive and active registered nurses were studied at 4 local hospitals.  A quantitative satisfaction survey tool with 7 additional qualitative questions was used to assess the level of satisfaction of the active registered nurse.  The researchers also used focus groups with active and interviews with inactive registered nurses and nursing administrators.  These strategies provided information in which retention strategies can be developed at multigenerational levels that is organizationally specific using evidence-based interventions from best practice.


RESULTS: Results revealed nurses have multigenerational views of dissatisfaction with their work environment.  Such areas of dissatisfaction include pay, respect, workload, length of shifts and needs of the aging nurse. 


RECOMMENDATIONS:  Identification of areas that are dissatisfiers along with interventions for the registered nurse across the lifespan will be discussed.