Friday, July 13, 2007
This presentation is part of : Culturally Competent Care
Introducing Research and a Culturally Inclusive Teaching/Learning Dialogue
Patricia Hunt-Slamow, PhD, MSN, BSN, RN, Department of Nursing, College of Mount Saint Vincent, Riverdale, NY, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe two culturally inclusive approaches to teaching assertive communication skills to beginning multicultural baccalaureate nursing students
Learning Objective #2: identify one or more teaching contexts where beginning nursing students can participate in and experience research first hand.


Introducing Research and a Culturally Inclusive Teaching/Learning Dialogue


Assertive communication processes are universally pivotal to every avenue of professional nursing practice as nurses advocate for patients, families, communities and for the profession itself.   Being assertive is a skill involving myriad cultural nuances associated with direct face-to-face discussions. In the present global environment it is imperative that we explore new and creative ways for empowering future professional nurses with these skills. 



Today, a timely introduction into professional nursing roles involves nurturing multiculturalism and research among our newest baccalaureate students. The purpose of this study was twofold:  first, students were introduced to research processes while they decided whether or not to participate in this study by reviewing informed consents and demographic data inquiries.  Second, using a quasi experimental, pre-test post test design, the researcher compared the outcomes of traditional vs. innovative teaching strategies on the test scores of two comparable cohorts of multicultural undergraduate nursing students who were learning assertive communication skills. A flip of a coin was used to determine which cohort the students would be assigned: the group with traditional learning approaches or the group exposed to more innovative teaching strategies.   Data for analysis were derived from pre and post tests using the “Rathus Assertiveness Schedule” (Rathus, S. 1973) and a 15 question  multiple choice mid term exam provided to both groups.

The purpose of this presentation is :

1. To describe two different approaches to the teaching of assertive communication skills to two culturally diverse groups of nursing students in a baccalaureate nursing program

2. To present the results of the analysis of data related to this study.