Wednesday, July 11, 2007
This presentation is part of : Making Research Accessible: Sharing Our Discoveries
Integrating Evidence-Based Practice Using A Dedicated Research Team: Tools for Success
Cecelia L. Crawford, RN, MSN, Regional Nursing Research Program, Kaiser Permanente, Southern California, Pasadena, CA, USA

In an effort to promote quality patient care, healthcare institutions are seeking to integrate evidence-based practice (EBP) as a cultural norm. EBP is a component of clinical practice that is accelerated by a dedicated team of transdisciplinary healthcare professionals. These dedicated individuals are needed to provide the leadership, mentoring, and role modeling necessary for EBP enculturation by staff nurses and other healthcare professionals. A strategic infrastructure for the design and implementation of dedicated research teams will be presented as a blueprint for success. The formation and activities of a research-driven team will be divided into four phases: Phase I – Development Design; Phase II – Design Implementation and Team Formation; Phase III – Review/Evaluation of Research and Other Evidence; and Phase IV – Dissemination of Information. The structures, processes, and outcomes crucial to each phase will be examined, as well as tools, templates, and evaluation instruments specifically designed for a phase task. Phase I will investigate the foundation of the dedicated team and present examples of overarching organizational mission/vision/values, research standards, and a communication plan, as well as centralized policy and procedures. Phase II will examine the actual formation of the dedicated team, with examples of individualized team mission/vision/values, team charter, and quarterly goals. A discussion about the use of well-designed research evaluation/grading tools and templates will emphasize the leadership and role-modeling aspects Phase III. Phase IV will celebrate the success of the team through EBP projects via staff education, journal article publication, poster sessions, and conference presentations. EBP enculturation of healthcare professionals will be stressed through the presentation.