Thursday, July 12, 2007: 1:45 PM-3:15 PM
Innovative Classroom and Clinical Strategies to Integrate EBP
Learning Objective #1: 1. The learner will be able to develop class-specific strategies to foster nursing student’s use of evidence-based practice.
Learning Objective #2: 2. Thye learner will be able to analyze didactic and clinical education opportunities to facilitate student expertise in applying the principles of evidence-based practice.
Evidence-based practice is the process by which nurses use best research, clinical expertise and patient preferences to make clinical decisions. It is an emerging competency for all nurses and must be clearly understood, integrated and practiced by our new baccalaureate nursing graduates. However, presenting a module or PowerPoint or including process readings in current assignments is not sufficient to groom true evidence-based practice nurses. This symposium will include presentations about incorporating evidence-based practice into an undergraduate community/public health didactic course, its use in reflective clinical journals, engaging their interest in a professional development course through gaming, assisting practicing nurses returning to school for their BSN to transition to evidence-based nurse practitioners, and strategies employed to establish an international evidence-based collaboration. Specific strategies, logistics, development how-to’s, and student feedback from four distinct undergraduate courses implementing innovative evidence-based practice assignments will be described and demonstrated in this symposium.
Organizer:Rojann R. Alpers, PhD, RN
 Igniting the Flame: Using Gaming to Institute a Passion for Evidence-based Practice
Rojann R. Alpers, PhD, RN
 Incorporating EBP into Population Based Practice
Kay Jarrell
 International Nursing: Opportunity to Collaborate with Ecuadorian Health Leaders
Roxena Wotring, MS, RN
 Using Reflective Journaling to Infuse Evidence-based Nursing Into Clinical Practice
Gary L. Brown, MS