Monday, July 7, 2008
This presentation is part of : International Consortium Brings Evidence-Based Practice to the Point of Care for Thousands of Clinicians
Prepare Culture, Processes, and Structures to Sustain Evidence-Based Practice
Irene Andress, RN, MN, Professional Practice & Organizational Learning and Change, Toronto East General Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

This presentation will focus on the nature of the systemwide work necessary to prepare the culture for evidence-based practice and the processes and structures needed to sustain it. There will be insights given related to the need for transformation of thinking, practice and relationships across all roles, disciplines and departments. There will be a focus on one of the key lessons learned across the International Consortium that the most essential infrastructure necessary to achieve and sustain evidence-based cultures is Partnership Councils. How the partnership infrastructure strengthens the fundamental core beliefs helps develop the necessary skills to lead an interdisciplinary team to stop duplication and repetition, omission and commission, and strengthen individual and integrated competency within an evidence-based context will be reviewed. The review of clinical scenarios will shift the principles of systems thinking, chaos and complexity science to reality for all participants.