The Hope of a Patient Diagnosed with a Cancer

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Yukiko Ueda, RN
Nursing, Kyorin University, Mitaka, Japan
Teruko Kunioka, RN
Nursing Department, Fukuyama Heisei University, Fukuyama, Japan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to know about the hope of a patient diagnosed as cancer.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to understand and pracitce for cancer patient about mental care.

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to clear structure of an outofpatient with cancer regarding hope. Methods: This study was conducted by a quantitative approach. The Japanese version of the Herrth Hope Scale (HHS-J) was used for the survey with the permission of its author, Dr. Kaye Herth. Results: A person of object is chemotherapy patient 35 people, hormone therapy patient 7, 50 people of eight internal use patients in total. The number of the effective answers was 47 people. It was that there was the memory that was happy for me that was supported by the person that I was close (76.0%), that there was the person who loved it to me (78.7%) that answered that cancer patients came under it in HHS best (70.2%). When I have various possibilities every day feel what answered that apply to it a little (61.7%). When I was hard, there is the thing that felt a bright sign (57.4%). When I was always good to think, there was surely a thing called the hope (53.2%). As for the mean of HHS, 60.7±11.2 subordinate concept existence characteristics and means of the prospect are 60.7±11.2 whole area feelings of the oneself and others, 60.7±11.2. 59.2±14.5 forward postures and expectation. Conclusion: Cancer patients have hope if it is got support in Japan.