Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to identify possible depression in heart failure patients during the nursing assessment database.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to order a consult for the APN heart failure specialist in order to complete a comprehensive depression screening.
Depressed people are less likely to be compliant with medication, diet, activity, and lifestyle changes which leads to hospitalization, re-admissions, complications, increased morbidity, and mortality. After conducting a survey of our nursing staff, the focus of the presentation is to educate nurses to identify symptoms of depression in Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients utilizing a depression assessment screening tool. The goal is to utilize a depression screening tool upon admission that may identify depressed patients who have been admitted with heart failure, in order to provide the appropriate intervention for the person.
Rohyans, L., & Pressler, S. (2009). Depressive symptoms and heart failure: Examining the sociodemographic variables.. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(3), 138-144. doi:10.1097/NUR.0b013e3181a443b4
Rutledge, T., Reis, V. A., Linke, S. E., Greenberg, B. H., & Mills, P. J. (2006). Depression in heart failure. Journal of the American College of Cardiology , 48(8). doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2006.06.055
The McArthur Initiative on Depression and Primary Care (2009). Patient health questionnaire. Retrieved July 4, 2010, from http://www.depression-primarycare.org/clinicians/toolkits/materials/forms/phq9/
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