Participation in the Clinical Ladder of Nursing Personnel Working Environment Awareness and Relationship Between the Individual Variable

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hui Zhu Chen, MSN, RN1
Shu Yuan Chang, PhD, RN2
Shung Mei Pan, MSN, RN3
LI Chin Chen, MSN, RN3
(1)Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
(2)Department of Nursing, Fooyin University, Taiwan
(3)Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital, Taiwan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to discuss into class-level nursing staff in the work environment awareness .

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to realize relationship of the individual variables.


Research aimed at discussing into class-level nursing staff in the work environment awareness and relationship of the individual variables.


Exclude new personnel and nursing supervisor, participate in the Clinical Ladder ,' nursing staff to collect case object, recycling 1628 questionnaires, recovery rate of 92.5%, all valid questionnaire 1608. The questionnaire includes personal data and nursing work environment awareness scale in the areas of nursing manpower, nursing-related business , nursing quality , nursing supervisor Confederacy and support and the relationship between doctors and nurses to five facets, Cronbach ´ s α to .95; mining expert validity verification, CVI value is .95.


Our study showed that the average value of nursing personnel working environment awareness among subjects are 3.53(±.50).There is significant difference in Nursing working environment awareness and age(F(3,1604)=6.76, p<.01), Amarriage status(t=3.58, p<.01), children(F(3,1604)=8.12, p<.01), ward character(F(3,1604)=16.39, p<.01), The total length of nursing work(t=3.07, p<.05).

Display different class-level in nursing work environment awareness of up to a significant difference in(F(3,1604)=6.34, p<.01),N1&N2 and N3 These are higher than N, Each retailer results in up to a significant difference in nursing manpower (F(3,1604)=6.01, p<.01), N2 and N3 These are higher than N, nursing quality(F(3,1604)=7.24, p<.01), The relationship between doctors and nurses(F(3,1604)=4.87, p<.05) is significant difference .

On nursing-related business and nursing supervisor of the Confederacy and support awareness and no significant difference. The comparison that 36-year-old Scheffe above of nursing work environment awareness top ranked, 25-year-old below minimum; singles than married people; children are higher than no children, work in special unit higher than the general ward and severe unit, senior long by higher than junior.


This result will help healthcare nursing administration up and promote the professional ability of the Clinical Ladder elevated nursing a reference of the working environment.

keyword nursing personnel working environment awareness, Apersonal characteristics, Clinical Ladder