Japanese Nurses' Values Toward Pregnant Women After the Artificial Reproductive Treatment: Comparison Before and After the Training Course of the Nursing Intervention Program

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Emi Mori, PhD, RN, CNM
Hiroko Iwata, PhD, RN, CNM
Akiko Sakajo, DNSc, RN, CNM
Harumi Ozawa, DNSc, RN, CNM
Tomoko Maekawa, MNSc, RN, CNM
Akiko Morita, MNSc, RN, CNM
Graduate Programs in Nursing, Chiba University, Chiba, Japan

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to describe the Japanese nurses' values toward pregnant women who underwent the artificial reproductive treatment(ART).

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to relate the Japanese nurses' values toward pregnant women after the ART with the training course as an evaluating tool.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to clarify Japanese nurses’ values toward pregnant women who underwent the artificial reproductive treatment (ART). The study was a part of a larger longitudinal study to develop a nursing intervention program (NIP) to promote maternal role attainment of pregnant women after the ART, therefore, the nurses’ value was compared before and after the training course of the NIP.

Methods: The study participants were 12 Japanese nurses who had clinical experiences at reproductive institutions for more than three years. The value toward pregnant women after the ART was measured by using the sentence completion test (SCT) at the beginning of the first day and the end of the second day of the training course. The data from the SCT were analyzed according to each stimulating sentence. Each statement was reviewed to extract the themes and then was categorized.

Findings and Discussion: Responses from three stimulating sentences were coded into 14 to 20 categories and 9 to 17 categories before and after the training course individually. Regarding responses from the first stimulating sentence of “Pregnant women after the ART mean”, categories included “strong anxiety”, “joy and relief to know one’s being pregnant”, and “various experiences”. Regarding responses from the second stimulating sentence of “As for nursing care of pregnant women after the ART, it’s difficult to”, categories included “care of anxiety”, “answering to multiple questions”, and “understanding women’s experiences”. Regarding responses from the third stimulating sentence of “In caring pregnant women and promoting their maternal role attainment, it’s important to”, categories included “acceptance”, “trusting relationship”, and “listening”. In comparing categories before and after the training course, some of the categories were common, however, some of new categories emerged after the training course which were considered as being reflective of the content of the course.