Analytical Evaluation of the Health Belief Model and the Vulnerable Populations Conceptual Model Applied to a Medically Underserved, Rural Population

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kristen E. Rawlett, RN, MSN, FNP-BC
Dept of Nursing/ School of Nursing, Towson University & University of Maryland, Towson, MD

Learning Objective 1: The participant will be able to describe decreased access to care, use of health promotion services and health outcomes in a rural, underserved population.

Learning Objective 2: The participant will be able to compare and contrast the Health Belief Model and Vulnerable Populations Conceptual Model usung a rural, underserved population.

The poster will apply the health belief model and the vulnerable populations conceptual model to a rural, underserved community. The focus population has decreased community resources, increased risk factors and poor health outcomes. The health belief model focuses on the individual’s perceptions and likelihood of taking action. Resource availability, relative risk and health status are the focus of the VPCM. Both frameworks are systematically evaluated by established criterion. The VPCM is a better fit to explore the hypothesis that there is a relationship among access to healthcare, use of health promotion services and disease states in susceptible populations.