Ann M. Mitchell, PhD, RN, FAAN1
Irene Kane, PhD, MSN, RN, CNAA, HFI1
Holly Hagle, MA2
Kimberly Owens, MSN, BSN, CS3
Laurie Christie, RN3
Dawn Lindsay, PhD2
Lynn Owens Boucek, RN1
Kathryn Puskar, DrPH, MN, MPH, FAAN1
Lauren Terhorst, PhD1
Kimberly Talcott, MPA1
Gail R. Woomer, RN, MN, IBCLC1
(1)School of Nursing, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
(2)Institute for Research, Education, and Training in Addictions, Pittsburgh, PA
(3)Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA