Improvement of Interpersonal Relations and Job Satisfaction of Nurses of Specialized Care Through Knowledge and Use of Relational Skills

Friday, 26 July 2013: 10:35 AM

Yolanda Lapeña, PhD, RN, BA1
Cibanal Juan Luis, PhD, Cathedratic2
Maria Isabel Orts-Cortés, PhD3
María Loreto Maciá-Soler, PhD4
Pablo Salas-Medina, RN, BA5
Desirée Mena-Tudela, RN, BA5
Víctor Manuel González-Chordá, RN, BA5
(1)Department of Nursing, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain
(2)Department of Nursing, Univesity of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
(3)Department of nurisng, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
(4)Department of Nursing, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain
(5)Departament of Nursing, Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain

Learning Objective 1: Stimulate, in nurses, the need for training in the use of communication skills that enable them to achieve a reduction in interpersonal conflict.

Learning Objective 2: Get an applicability of the evidence found in this research in healthcare clinical practice.

Purpose: It is necessary to maintain cordial relationships in the workplace, through a correct knowledge and use of communicative-relational skills developed by members of the health team, generators of job satisfaction. General objetive: Knowing how the communicative interaction between professional nurses within the different units of the hospital is, about the characteristics of interpersonal communicative interaction, skills that professionals develop in their labour relations and the difficulties faced in this process.

Methods: Descriptive research based on qualitative collection methods and data analysis, in a sample of 21 nurses working in different inpatient units.

Results: Most of the professionals clearly express their messages at the level of content, feeling and demand, as well as taking care of the relationship with their partner in developing an assertive communication. It happens to professionals that, in most of the cases, they look for a culprit when they have a particular problem, showing that they are not able to improve relations through the correct use of “I messages”. Also, we find an absence of active listening ability: feedback in relations, and that the empathetic attitude manifests itself only on occasions.

Conclusion: The relational encounter of nurses with the other members of the health team, is characterized by an important emotional load that generates different feelings depending on the skills developed by each one in the relationship. Nurses demonstrate how complicated it is for them to broadcast messages to the three levels (content, feeling and demand), in addition to caring for the relationship with theirs partners. We find in the stories difficulties in the use of “I messages” and also in the management of nonverbal communication with colleagues, as well as an absence in those messages of the skills of active listening (feedback, empathy, etc.