E 10 Health Promotion for an Aging Population

Tuesday, 23 July 2013: 3:30 PM-4:45 PM
Moderator:  Steve Strupeit, MScN, BA, Diplom-Pflegewirt (FH), Life Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Hamburg, Germany
Evaluation of Mobility and Quality of Life: During and After Discharge from Clinical Geriatric Setting

Steve Strupeit, MScN, BA, Diplom-Pflegewirt (FH)1
Arne Buß, MScN, BScN1
Karin Wolf-Ostermann, PhD2
(1)Life Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Hamburg, Germany
(2)Nursing Science, Alice Salomon University of Applied Science, Berlin, Germany

Age-Friendly Hospitals Prepare to Medical Practitioners of the Knowledge and Attitudes of the Elderly

Yingling Kuo, RN, MA, Supervisor
Department and Institute of Nursing, School of Nursing, National Yang Ming University./Department of Nursing, Department and Institute of Nursing, School of National Yang Ming University./Department of Nursing, Cardinal Tien Hospital Yunghe Branch., Taipei, Taiwan