G 11 Challenges in the Context of Self-Care and Family Caregivers

Saturday, 26 July 2014: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM
Description/Overview: In recent years has been increased research about self-care, because are recognized a main area for nursing. Chronic disease put challenges to the person in the field of self-care, namely in the individual disease’s management and the therapeutic regimen. The ineffectiveness of management contributes to situations that generate dependence, such as stroke, not only for the disease but mainly for the consequences of the situation. When we discussed the dependent person cannot isolate your family, since most of the time she will need a caregiver.to help the family caregiver in this new role it is necessary to develop interactive educational tools. In this symposium we propose to present three qualitative research studies, developed with the conceptual frame work centered on the experience of transitional health / disease according Afaf Meleis. This joint presentation aims to: - Demonstrate an explanatory theory of self-management - Describe factors that influence the autonomy`s reconstruction process in self-care, after a situation that causes dependence - Characterize the family transition associated with the integration of a dependent family - To describe the main components of an interactive tool
Moderators:  Myra Leslie Clark, PhD, RN, NP-C, School of Nursing, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Symposium Organizers:  Maria José Lumini Landeiro, RN, MScN, Nursing School College, Nursing College of Porto, Oporto, Portugal
Self-Management on Chronic Diseases

Fernanda Bastos, PhD, MsC
UCP Autocuidado, Nursing College of Porto, Porto, Portugal

Critical Factors on Autonomy Reconstruction after Self-Care Dependency

Alice Brito, RN, McN, PhD
Oporto College of Nursing, Porto, Portugal

Family Vulnerability

Maria Joana Campos, RN, MScN
Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Oporto College of Nursing, Porto, Portugal
Abel Paiva Silva, PhD, MScN, RN
Oporto College of Nursing, Porto, Portugal

Educacional Tool to Improve Caregiver Role

Maria José Lumini Landeiro, RN, MScN
Nursing School College, Nursing College of Porto, Oporto, Portugal
Teresa Martins, PhD
Nursing College of Porto, Nursing College of Porto, Porto, Portugal