STTI Youth Engagement: Turning New Members into Leaders

Sunday, 26 July 2015: 10:50 AM

Upsilon Chapter - New York University, NIGH UN Representative, STTI Region 14 Global Initiatives Chair, Brooklyn, NY

Purpose: Youth engagement is critical toward the longevity and legacy of STTI. It is just as vital that STTI leaders begin creating positive experiences, as well as a networking resources, that will make young and newer members interested in continuing their membership and attending conferences. Seasoned leaders must emphasize to young and new members that being young and/or new should not limit one into becoming a leader. This presentation will showcase the leadership of STTI youths and strategies to increase involvement, such as providing networking tools and the importance of mentorship.

Methods: Our STTI Youth members, with their personal experiences, will show the journey they had toward becoming leaders within their own sphere of influence. With the professional success and growth from their members, chapters and regions will be further encouraged to provide continued invaluable opportunities for young and new members alike.

Results: Presenters have had the chance to educate and inform various Chapter Leaders in Region 14. Increased awareness of active young STTI leaders has led to chapters reporting far more new member engagement. 

Conclusion: Chapters and regions that show active participation of Youth Members see an increase in their new member interest. Having a showcase of young leaders encourages chapters and members of their chapters to become more invovled with STTI.