STTI Youth Engagement: The Importance of Mentorship

Sunday, 26 July 2015: 11:10 AM

Timothy Shi, BSN, RN, OCN
Upsilon Chapter of New York University, STTI UN Youth Representative, New York, NY

Purpose: The purpose of the presentation is to encourage the learner to create an open mentoring atmosphere between their new members and their seasoned professional. In addition, it will be presented to an audience of both new and seasoned STTI members, thus promoting a networking workshop for new members and an initiating a mentoring relationship for experienced members. It will be emphasized to mentors that their mentees are the legacy, or "livacy" (as defined by President Dr. Klopper), to STTI's future development. 

Methods: Learners will hear about important aspects of a viable and meaningful mentor / mentee relationship as told from the viewpoint of the more novice professional versus the seasoned professional. 

Results: Learners will learn and be able to utilize mentorship strategies for their own Chapter. 

Conclusion: The learner will understand the important of a mentor/ mentee relationship and the important aspects that make it viable, important and meaningful for both mentor and mentee.