C 12 Confidence in Competence: The Search for the Holy Grail

Friday, 24 July 2015: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM
Description/Overview: This symposium seeks to explore the interface between professional regulation, governance and competence to practise, particularly in relation to performance of competence, and to identify whether public safety can be assured through performance of competence (perhaps something of a holy grail), or awareness of competence, or indeed incompetence. Previous research has identified that the three common indicators of competence agreed by nurses and regulators alike are Continuing Professional Development (CPD), hours of practice and self-assessment against the competencies. However if these three indicators were a guarantee of competence, then arguably no-one would present as a notification for lack of competence, because all registrants are required to meet these criteria for registration renewal or recertification. The researchers therefore believe that there is a missing thread that is in reality competence awareness or insight. Insight has been demonstrated to be the deciding factor for adjudicating bodies in relation to deregistration (Adrian & Chiarella, 2010; Vernon, et al., 2010; Vernon, 2013). Thus the questions that remain unanswered are; can insight be identified, measured and assured, and is this preferable to the measurement of competence in clinical performance at a given point of time, or in relation to the current requirements for registration, or renewal of registration / licensure / certification? The three presentations delivered in this symposium will seek to explore and elucidate the following questions with the audience: 1. What is the relationship, if any between CPD, recency of practice and performance competence? 2. Would remediation provide any guarantee of performance competence? 3. Is there any relationship between awareness/insight of competence and performance competence? 4. How are decisions made in relation to continuing registration, sanctions or deregistration when performance competence is the subject of notification and adjudication?
Moderators:  Cathleen S. Opperman, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CPN, Professional Development, Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, OH
Symposium Organizers:  Rachael A. Vernon, PhD, MPhil (Dis), BN, RN, School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
The Search for the Holy Grail

Mary Chiarella, PhD, RN, LLB (Hons)
Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Does Continuing Competence Ensure Safety to Practise and Assure Public Safety?

Rachael A. Vernon, PhD, MPhil (Dis), BN, RN
School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia

Nurses' Perceptions of Missed Care: A Critical Discourse Analysis

Luisa Toffoli, PhD, RN1
Eileen Willis, PhD, MEd2
Clare Harvey, PhD, RN3
Julie Henderson, PhD4
Patti Hamilton, PhD, RN5
Ian Blackman, EdD, MEd, RN4
Claire Verrall, MN, RN4
Elizabeth Abery, BHSc (Hons)6
(1)School of Nursing & Midwifery, University of South Australia, Adelaide South Australia 5001, Australia
(2)Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Office of the Executive Dean, Flinders University, Adelaide South Australia 5001, Australia
(3)School of Nursing, Eastern Institute of Technology, Napier Hawkes Bay 4142, New Zealand
(4)School of Nursing and Midwifery, Flinders University, Adelaide South Australia 5001, Australia
(5)Nursing, Texas Woman's University, Denton, TX
(6)School of Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide South Australia 5001, Australia