F 16 Direct Oral Anticoagulant Management in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Procedures

Friday, 28 July 2017: 2:30 PM-3:45 PM
Summary: Guidelines on how to manage direct oral anticoagulants in the periprocedural setting are necessary for patient safety, yet in most areas of the world, there are not consensus guidelines that address this topic. We performed a retrospective three-site review to determine which management strategy is correlated with the best outcomes.
Moderators:  Doris Ezomo, MSN, MPA, CSN, RN, Nathan Weiss Graduate School of Nursing, Kean University, Toms River, NJ
Symposium Organizers:  Marci Farquhar-Snow, MN, Department of Cardiology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Trends in Direct Oral Anticoagulant Management in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device Procedures

Christen R. Waddell, DNP
Department of Cardiology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ, USA