R 04 Fighting the Fakes: Combatting Predatory Publishers at Every Level of Research and Scholarship

Monday, 23 July 2018: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Summary: Predatory publishers are a blight on nursing research and publishing. Nursing authors are particularly vulnerable because of nursing’s relative newness to the academy and scholarly writing. This symposium describes how predatory publishers work, highlights their damage to nursing research credibility, and gives policy and practical advice on avoiding them.
Moderators:  Bernice Redley, PhD, Centre for Quality and Patient Safety Research, Monash Health Partnership, Deakin University, Burwood, Australia
Symposium Organizers:  Philip Darbyshire, PhD, Philip Darbyshire Consulting Ltd, Highbury, Australia
Fighting the Fakes: Spotting and Fighting the Fakes in Research Policy and Practice

Philip Darbyshire, PhD
Philip Darbyshire Consulting Ltd, Highbury, Australia

Fighting the Fakes: How to Identify and Beat the Predatory Publishers

Linda Shields, MD, RN, FACN, FAAN
Faculty of Science, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, NSW, Australia

Fighting the Fakes: How Using Legitimate Publishing and Open Access Can Enhance Nursing Research

Faculty of Health and Social Care, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom