The success of a mature outcomes management program has as it's cornerstone, four key elements: leadership, multi-disciplinary collaboration, evidence-based data and finally, the ability to interpret data and turn it into knowledge that decision makers can utilize. The real test of any outstanding endeavor is the ability to create sustained and meaningful change in clincial practice and processes which leads to improved patient/organizational outcomes.
This session will advance the knowledge of the participants in the area of outcomes management program implementation. Recognizing and overcoming barriers, establishing the critical success factors and assess goal attainment, and knowing when to change course are key components of the sessions content.
The journey of outcomes management never ends, but there are actions that can be taken to ensure success. The actual experiences of Shriners Hospitals for Children will be used as the backdrop for learning - real people, real issues, real lessons learned. The participants will be able to clearly identify implementation strategies that they can take home and use immediately to begin their own journey into outcomes management.
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Back to 14th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
10-12 July 2003