Friday, July 15, 2005: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Methodological and Conceptual Issues in Research on Nursing Morale
Learning Objective #1: Understand different research approaches to study the phenomenon of nurses' morale
Learning Objective #2: Obtain greater insights into the methodological and conceptual issues in the examination and measurement of morale
The symposium will discuss research approaches to developing a greater understanding of the determinants of staff morale among Australian Registered Nurses. The session will discuss quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches used in this research project as well as other research into morale and other related professions. The symposium will address specific methodological challenges with different approaches to examining and measuring morale.
Organizer:Jeanne Madison, RN, MPH, PhD
Presenters:Gary E. Day, RN, EM, DipAppSc, BNurs, MHM, AFCHSE, CHE
Jeanne Madison, RN, MPH, PhD
Carol Windsor, BA, RN
 Historical Perspectives of Morale Research
Gary E. Day, RN, EM, DipAppSc(Nursing, Mgt), BNurs, MHM, AFCHSE, CHE
 Conceptualising Morale from an Interactionist Perspective
Carol Anne Windsor, BA, RN
 A Quantitative Approach to Measuring Morale
Gary E. Day, RN, EM, DipAppSc, BNurs, MHM, AFCHSE, CHE, Jeanne Madison, RN, MPH, PhD
 Using mixed methodology to explore complex concepts like nursing morale
Jeanne Madison, RN, MPH, PhD

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island