Tau Alpha Chapter: Past, Present, and Future

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Juana Mercedes Gutierrez-Valverde, DR, MSN, BN, RN
School of Nursing, School of Nursing, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Nuevo Loen, Mexico
Maria Guadalupe Moreno Monsivais, DR, MSN, BN, RN
Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, N.L., Mexico
Francisco Rafael Guzman Facundo, PhD, RN
Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico
Milton Carlos Guevara-Valtier, MSN, BN, RN
SCHOOL OF NURSING, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, MONTERREY NUEVO LEON, Mexico
Esther Gallegos Cabriales, PhD, FAAN
School of Nursing, UNVIERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE NUEVO LEON, Monterrey, Mexico

Objective: To describe the transition of Tau Alpha Chapter through past, present and future.


Past: The vision of a Mexican Nursing Leader Esther C. Gallegos, PhD, FAAN was created the Honor Society of Nursing in the School of Nursing at Univesidad Autonoma de Nuevo León in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico in 2002. Dr. Gallegos and her team worked very hard to create first the Honor Society and second the Chapter. To created the STTI chapter in Mexico, it was work of many nurses, mexican and from US. They were a principal support. The leadership and vision to show and offer other view to the Mexican nurses it is real.

 In March 24 2004 the Tau Alpha (431) was established, the ceremony was address by Daniel J. Pesut, PhD, FAAN who was the president in that time. The induction were included 164 new members (students and leaders) from all Mexico (32 states) For seven years the chapter was part of the Region 9 and received a lot of support for the leaders of this region.

 The Tau Alpha Chapter had been five presidents since 2004-2016.


Present: The Tau Alpha Chapter is still the only chapter in Mexico, the chapter is consolidate, the board include new generations and nurses seniors as the founder of the Chapter Esther C. Gallegos, PhD, FAAN. The chapter is part of the Latin & South America/Caribbean Region, since 2011. The social media are using to communicate with the members and the


Future: The Nursing students from graduate and undergraduate programs and the new generations of nursing with the mentors of the nursing seniors are the future of the Tau Alpha Chapter. The board and members of Tau Alpha Chapter have very clear that the chapter needs be change, include the innovations, new ideas, and new networks. Also, the leadership, passion, gratitude and respect must be part of Tau Alpha Chapter.

See more of: Chapter Invited Posters
See more of: Invited Posters