B 02 CHAPTER SESSION: Understanding STTI’s Membership Eligibility Criteria

Saturday, 17 September 2016: 4:15 PM-5:30 PM
Attend this session to learn how to successfully invite and induct eligible students and nurse leaders into STTI using the International Bylaws and guidelines documents. All STTI chapter leaders are strongly encouraged to learn and understand the criteria, as it has changed many times throughout the years, and they should feel comfortable speaking to potential candidates about how they can be invited. This session is not eligible for continuing nursing education contact hours.
  • Understand the basic criteria for inducting students and nurse leaders
    • Students are invited to join through STTI chapters located at more than 650 colleges and universities around the world.
    • In order to receive an invitation, undergraduate and graduate level students must meet the criteria, as stated in the STTI bylaws
    • Graduate students may as be considered as nurse leader candidates, if they meet that criteria. (So they may be inducted right away)
    • Nursing professionals who were not previously inducted as nursing students can join STTI as Nurse Leaders.
  • Learn the exception clauses for inviting additional students
    • Because the criteria may exclude some exemplary candidates, the chapter may choose to employ an exception to a specific criteria component, in order to invite and induct additional students who are eager to become members.
    • There are 4 exceptions for undergraduate students, and 2 exceptions for graduate students.

Staff will also ensure that chapter leaders understand the "myths" that are common in membership eligibility. For example: endorsement forms are not required; you do not vote on candidates being accepted into membership; and you can have as many inductions (with as many, or as few, candidates) as you'd like; that you invite and induct Nurse Leader candidates (STTI headquarters does not do it for you) and much more.

A handout will be provided during the session that includes all of the above information. This session is not eligible for continuing nursing education contact hours.

Description/Overview: Attend this session to learn how to successfully invite and induct eligible students and nurse leaders into STTI using the International Bylaws and guidelines documents. This session is not eligible for continuing nursing education contact hours.
Organizers:  Sabrina Collins-Christie, BA, BS, The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN, USA and Janell Jackson, BA, The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN, USA
Moderators:  Lisa N. Mansfield, MSN, BSN, RN, Winston-Salem State University, Winston-Salem, NC, USA