Innovative Methods for Engaging Online Chapter Members

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Rebecca Norman-Eck, MSN, RN
School of Nursing, SUNY Delhi, Delhi, NY, USA

Innovative Methods for Engaging Online Chapter Members

Chapters whose membership are primarily comprised of remotely dispersed members have unique challenges with participation and developing a sense of community necessary for chapter growth. As a newly formed chapter developing our first strategic plan, membership retention became an area of focus for the growth and ongoing success of our small, rural chapter. Members must value the benefits offered by an organization or they will not accept invitations for membership or renew existing memberships (Eyun-Jung & Yuan, 2016). Walton (2017) found the primary factors associated with membership recruitment and retention included education, cost, professional development, and networking. Additional findings showed that members analyze the value associated with membership, recommending communication of the benefits of engagement as an important factor when recruiting and retaining members in professional nursing organizations (Walton, 2017). According found Ki (2018), member attitude was one key factor in membership reneal and recommendation to others. Hager (2014) found that members who value the organization are more apt to engage and volunteer in these instances. Our chapter concluded that member retention takes place when members value the organization, and value occurs, in part, with active chapter engagement.

Organizational value begins with communication and is an integral element for member engagement and retention. According to Coburn (2012), almost 60% of renewing members of Sigma indicated that chapter communication played a part in their decision to renew their membership. Markova et al. (2013) found a positive correlation between dissemination of organization materials and retention of members. Our chapter knew that we had to find innovative ways to engage our members and develop a sense of community or we would not retain them. Technology provides unique opportunities to communicate, connect and engage with these members who otherwise could not be active chapter participants. The Circle, social media websites, and dissemination of electronic resources by mass email distribution are just a few forms of technology that can be utilized to facilitate this outreach and connection. This presentation will focus on strategies chapters can implement to remotely engage members, develop a sense of community, and professionally network, using available technology.

See more of: Poster Session 1
See more of: Oral Paper & Posters