Realizing a Transformation in Nursing Education Through Mentoring

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mary Lou Gies, EdD, RN
School of Nursing and Health Sciences, La Salle University, Philadelphia, PA

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able identify a method of transforming nursing education through a mentoring program for clinical adjunct faculty.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to describe the needs of mentors and mentees in a clinical adjunct faculty mentoring program.

This study was a review of a mentoring program for recently-hired baccalaureate clinical adjunct nursing faculty. The nursing profession will need to transform nursing education, to meet the needs of an older, diverse population, with chronic health conditions. The clinical education of nurses is critical to patient care, worldwide. A mentoring program for clinical adjunct faculty was initiated to contribute to this transformation. The purpose of the study was to perform a formative review of a mentoring program, in order to grow and retain the number of clinical adjunct nursing faculty.

The mentor and mentee were interviewed after one month and at the end of the semester of the program, about essential criteria for a mentoring program. Upon completion of the semester, the mentors and mentees were interviewed for recommendations about the mentoring program.

An analysis of the data revealed the essential criteria for a mentoring program. The mentoring participant’s discussions overall themes were: availability, clarity, emotional satisfaction, dislocation, and self-reflection. Mentors and mentees mentioned their availability to each other for meeting times, e-mail, and phone calls, as important. A major concern of mentees was being dislocated from other faculty and the university administration at clinical sites. Clarity about how to perform their new role was critical to meeting student and university expectations. Both mentee and mentors were emotionally satisfied with being part of the mentoring program. Mentors reflected on wanting a mentor during their first teaching experience. Mentees reflected on how much the mentor helped them. These themes were prevalent throughout the study.

See more of: Transforming Education
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