CB 04 OPERATIONS TRACK: Making Cent$ Out of Chapter Finances

Friday, September 21, 2012: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Description/Overview: This session will provide presidents and chapter treasurers with the basics of budgeting and maintaining fiscal responsibility for chapter operations.
Learner Objective #1: Gain insight into the budgeting process.
Learner Objective #2: Understand audits and tax filing statements for chapters in the United States.
Organizers:  Jody Dalton, CPA, Business Development, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN and Nancy C. Sharts-Hopko, PhD, RN, FAAN, College of Nursing, Villanova University, Villanova, PA
Moderators:  Debbie Dahl, MSN, RN, Infection Control Manager, Oklahoma Heart Hospital South, Oklahoma city, OK