CB 03 STTI BENEFITS TRACK: Creating Programs with STTI Publications

Friday, September 21, 2012: 3:45 PM-5:00 PM
Description/Overview: Need ideas for creating chapter level programming? With STTI books, journals, magazines, and newsletters, you can learn to create educational experiences for all of your members – from journal clubs to speakers.
Learner Objective #1: Discover the wide array of educational publications STTI publishes including the scholarly journals, RNL magazine and books.
Learner Objective #2: Use the material to foster discussion and critical thinking with students and members about nursing education, clinical practice, research and global world around us.
Organizers:  Renee M. Wilmeth, n/a, Educational Resources, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN
Moderators:  Jenny Paugh, BS, Constituent Services Center, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN