Wednesday, July 9, 2003: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Clinical Nursing Scholars: Leading the Way to Evidence-based Practice in Acute Care

Learning Objective #1: Describe two or more strategies for implementing evidence-based practice
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the role of the direct care provider in supporting an evidence-based practice environment
Evidence based practice in our facility is defined as the use of quality research findings and timely and accurate operational and clinical data, combined with the consensus of experienced clinical experts, to provide individualized patient care. To achieve excellence, practicing clinicians must be actively involved in the selection and collection of quality improvement data and know how to critique and synthesize clinical studies. Collaboration among multiple disciplines in acute care is paramount to the decision-making necessary for evidence-based practice. An environment of evidence-based practice can only be achieved through the active participation of clinical scholars. Clinical scholars have been characterized as possessing a consistent spirit of inquiry and creativity, exemplified by a high level of curiosity, a continuous quest for learning, the capacity to reflect on their experiences, and the ability to seek out and use resources to improve clinical interventions. This symposium will highlight four strategies, initiated and coordinated by clinical nurse scholars, for implementing evidence-based practice in a 600-bed tertiary care facility. The presenters will be direct care providers who will also be able to answer questions about how one supports an environment for the implementation of evidence-based practice.
Organizer:Alyce A. Schultz, RN, PhD, nurse researcher
 Evaluating the External Evidence: Critique and Synthesis
Kelly E. Lancaster, RN, BSN
 Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Policy and Procedure
Terri Mathew, RN, BSN
 Fostering Interdisciplinary Evidence-Based Practice with an Interdisciplinary Journal Club
Tania D. Strout, RN, BSN
 Integration of Internal and External Evidence in Defining a Clinical Issue
Paulette Gallant, RNC, BSN

International Evidence-Based Practice Preconference
Sigma Theta Tau International
9 July 2003