Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Evidence-Based Initiative in U.S. Military Nursing: Research to Practice
Evidence-Based Practice: The Catalyst for Collaboration
Mary Candice Ross, RN, PhD, Col, USAFR, NC, College of Nursing, Univ of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA

Objectives: The primary aims of this project were to increase the knowledge of military nurses in evidence-based practice (EBP), and to initiate EBP projects and related research activities in collaboration with faculty of the local university. Methods: The design was through evaluation of a multi-site program designed to increase the application of research into nursing practice through evidence-based practice The project began with collaboration between the Chief Nurses of the military facilities in the southeast region of the United States and the faculty of the South Alabama College of Nursing with a regional workshop by Dr. Marita Titler on the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice. Grant planning and follow-on project activities between the faculty and military nurses included workshops at each base with individual and group consultation. Findings: Project outcomes included enhanced EBP knowledge among military nurses, EBP projects initiated at each base and champions for each project to direct the action plans. Two TSNRP grants were funded and additional grant applications submitted. Graduate nursing students, faculty, and military nurses continue to collaborate on numerous projects. Conclusions: The EBP project was an effective means of stimulating the collaboration between military nurses and faculty to further the use and development of future EBP initiatives and research. The results of this project are perpetuating themselves by causing a snowball effect in the development of more projects. Military nurses are fulfilling the demands of deployments and clinical practice while expanding their skills in research and EBP. Faculty provide continuing education, community service, consultation, and research, through their collaboration. Implications: Collaboration between military nurses and faculty is a win-win situation that promotes the professional development. Military Chief Nurses should seek the support of TSNRP and area universities and faculty should reach out to the military nurses to establish collaborative relationships.