Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Normalizing Excellence in Professional Nursing Practice
Future Enhancement of an Evidence Based Nursing Environment
Barbara Molina Kooker, DrPH, APRN, Patient Care Division, Queen's Medical Center and University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA

This final presentation looks to the future for sustaining and improving evidence based nursing practice by focusing on integration of nursing workforce development, education, research, and practice in a stimulating professional environment. The Queen Emma Nursing Institute promotes excellence in patient care and patient outcomes by focusing on excellence in nursing care and nursing workforce. The goals are to (1) provide leadership in nursing workforce development, (2) enhance distinction in clinical nursing practice, (3) document excellence in clinical research, and (4) demonstrate prominence in education. Targeted recruitment and retention initiatives and career planning are integral parts of the workforce focus. Development of collaborative and innovative models of care based on Caring Excellence, the care delivery model, are important to advancing evidence based nursing practice and enhancing retention efforts. A Center of Nursing Excellence will be developed through collaboration with schools of nursing and further advance evidence based nursing practice. This collaboration also seeks to bridge the gap between education and practice and augment the quality of both. Clinical research in nursing specialties will further promote evidence based practice and advance the field of knowledge for the benefit of all. Dedicated research faculty with joint appointments with the University of Hawaii provide access to advanced research expertise in the practice setting and increase integration of practice and education. Continuous improvement in educational offerings promotes professional development and both clinical and administrative expertise, resulting in a stimulating professional environment of growth and excellence.