This study was undertaken in order to examine the factors related to sexual satisfaction in women who have had a hysterectomy, and to identify which factors had statistically significant influence of sexual satisfaction of the subjects.This was a descriptive correlation study. The subjects of this study was a total of 118 hysterectomy women visiting the out-patient department for follow-up care at I. University Hospital in Seoul and Busan in Korea. The instruments used for this study were a survey of general characteristics, body image(17 items), depression(20 items), support of husband(13 items), and sexual satisfaction(10 items). Data collection was done between May, 2001 and Dec., 2001. Data analysis was done by use of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficients and stepwise multiple regression with a SPSS PC+ Program. The results of this study are as follows : 1) The mean age of the subjects was 42.3 years. 2) The mean score for sexual satisfaction of the subjects was 28.22 with a possible maximum score of 50.00. The mean score for body image of the subjects was 54.57 with a possible maximum score of 85. The mean score for depression of the subjects was 45.14 with a possible maximum score of 80. The mean score for support husband was 36.07 with a possible maximum score of 65. 3) Women who had lower grade, job, higher income, higher experienced abortion and ovary had high score in sexual satisfaction. 4) Significant correlation between sexual satisfaction and body image(r=.272, p<.01), sexual satisfaction and support of husband(r=.464, p<.01)was found. And, significant negative correlation between body image and depression(r=-.732, p<.01) was found. 5) Support of husband was the highest factor predicting sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy(21%). Support of husband, body image and experienced abortion accounted for 30% in Sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy. In conclusion, for the care of women who are going to be discharged from hospital after having had a hysterectomy, nurses have to work with the husbands to help them to understand the importance of their support. Nurses also need to make sure that the subjects have an adequate knowledge of sexual life after a hysterectomy. Also nursing interventions should focus on subjects who have experienced abortion.
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