Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Global Outcomes of Care Models
The Healthcare Continuum and the Lived Experience of Managed Care
Carol G. Williams, RN, BS, MS, DNSc, Department of Nursing, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT, USA and Judith W. Pollmann, BSN, MSN, PhD, RN, Department of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY, USA.
Learning Objective #1: discuss the health care continuum from mid 20th century to current day.
Learning Objective #2: recount how strategic planning resulted in a reversal of the decision to deny services to a managed care patient.

The Health Care Continuum and The Lived Experience of Managed Care

This qualitative research study is discussed in the context of the health care continuum in America over time. A brief history of financing health care is discussed. As cost of health care escalated managed care organizations (MCOs) were developed to control access to and cost of medical care. Financing of health care is analyzed related to American values, ethics, cost, choice, autonomy, and numbers of uninsured.

This research is the story of The Lived Experience of a colleague who was insured by an MCO that denied her oncologist's request for an autologous stem cell transplant. Hermeneutics, which is based on Heidigger's Philosophy of Science is the theory used in this study. The method used in Hermeneutics is story telling. Story telling is a powerful vehicle for communicating the complex emotions of the heart felt experience defined as The Lived Experience. Journaling, observing, listening and writing are included in story telling. The research question asks, "What is going on here?". The story focuses on a 30 hour interval after the MCO administrators denied services. Strategies used to reverse the decision are described. Reversals occur in only 2% of cases. Ethical and legal implications are discussed. Ways in which MCOs can enhance consumer trust, choices, access to primary care providers, and specialist are explored.