Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Global Outcomes of Care Models
Influence of the Nurse-Friendly Hospital Program on Quality of Patient Care
Martha Meraviglia, RN, CNS, PhD, Nursing, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Learning Objective #1: 1.Describe patient care outcomes sensitive to nursing care.
Learning Objective #2: 2.Analyze the influence of the workplace improvement program on the quality of patient care.

The present shortage of nurses for patient care is expected to continue for the next two decades and is based on a multitude of reasons especially changes in work expectations and attitudes leading to increased nurse dissatisfaction and decrease nurse retention. The federally-funded Nurse-Friendly Hospital Program was designed to improve the nursing work environment by implementing 12 Nurse-Friendly Criteria in rural and small hospitals in Texas. The initial impact of the program demonstrated improvement in nurse satisfaction and retention. In addition, the program is tracking changes overtime in nursing sensitive patient outcomes to assess the influence of a nurse-friendly environment on the quality of patient care.

Even though the Nurse-Friendly Hospital Program was developed and implemented for rural and small hospitals, it has important implications for nursing care at any hospital in the United States. With the incorporation of the TNA-developed criteria into hospital policies and procedures, nurses have the ideal workplace for giving excellent nursing care that leads to improvement in patient safety and quality of care.