Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : The Clinical Scholar Model: Building the Capacity for Research and EBP
The Clinical Scholar Model: Building Capacity in a Pediatric Facility
Melanie Brewer, DNSc, RN, FNP, Phoenix Children's Hospital/Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ, USA

Aim:  To develop a cadre of Clinical Scholars to promote and implement clinical research and evidence-based practice in a tertiary pediatric facility.

Approach:  In May of 2006, a cooperative agreement between the local university and the pediatric hospital was concurred to promote the conduct of clinical research and the use of evidence by the point of care nurses in the pediatric facility. The clinical managers and the Director of Clinical Outcomes and Nursing Research selected the first cadre of Clinical Scholars based on their clinical expertise and interest in furthering their education and experience with research and the use of evidence to participate in the first workshop series completed in December, 2006.  Facilitators and mentors for the first cadre of Clinical Scholars were selected from among advanced practice nurses in the facility. 

Outcomes:  Sixteen interdisciplinary staff started the Clinical Scholar program; 50% completed the series with attrition related to work schedules, individual decisions of inadequate basic education (ADN), and lack clinical manager support.  The facilitators attended sporadically.  Positive outcomes include two clinical research studies (one internally funded) and two evidence-based practice projects.  A second series with participants selected through an application process will be finished in June, 2007, with initial commitment already more apparent. Plans for a Collaborative Evidence-based Practice education program between pediatric residents and point of care nurses has been proposed.  Comparison of the processes and outcomes between the two series of workshops will be presented. 

Conclusions and Implications for Practice and Research:  Several challenges to changing from a traditional model of care to a learning model were identified.  Adequate staffing, management support, and professional commitment are predictors of success.  A translation research study is needed to identify explicit structures and processes that foster positive evidence-based and research outcomes for direct care providers.