Sunday, November 4, 2007: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM
The Clinical Scholar Model: Building the Capacity for Research and EBP
Learning Objective #1: describe an inductive model for promoting evidence-based practice and clinical research at the point of care
Learning Objective #2: compare and contrast the outcomes for a Clinical Scholar workshop series in a community, a tertiary, and a pediatric setting
There are several evolving organizational models and approaches for initiating evidence-based practice in acute care settings. Asking the clinical question, searching for the evidence, evaluating and synthesizing the evidence, and development of an evidence-based protocol are the just one component of applying evidence to practice. The greater challenge is in implementing, sustaining and routinizing the use of evidence at the point of care. The Clinical Scholar model was developed and implemented in a large tertiary care setting to build the capacity for clinical research and the use of evidence in practice among staff nurses. Based on the Clinical Scholarship White Paper, the model encompasses five basic concepts for promoting and sustaining the use of evidence in practice: Observation, Analysis, Synthesis, Application/Evaluation, and Dissemination Differing from the classic deductive approach where clinical experts prepared at the graduate level facilitate implementation through guidelines and practice protocols at the systems level, the Clinical Scholar Model is an inductive approach for implementing and sustaining the use of internal and external evidence in practice through mentoring and support of the direct care provider at the bedside. It utilizes the clinical expertise of the direct care provider, the practice knowledge gained through experience, and cultivates the analytical, reflective, curious mind of the clinician innovator. Developing Clinical Scholar mentors to critique, integrate, implement, and evaluate evidence as applied to practice builds the capacity or cadre of innovators necessary for creating, activating and sustaining an EBP culture. Clinical Scholars are practitioners empowered with the confidence to challenge the the status quo and deal directly with the challenges found in creating change. In this symposium, each of the presenters will describe the rewards, challenges, and outcomes of utilizing the Clinical Scholar Model in their respective settings for promoting clinical research and EBP at the point of care.
Symposium Organizer:Alyce A. Schultz, PhD, RN, FAAN
Symposium Presenters:Melanie Brewer, DNSc, RN, FNP
Barbara B. Brewer, PhD, RN, MALS, MBA
 The Clinical Scholar Model: Building Capacity in a Tertiary Care Facility
Alyce A. Schultz, PhD, RN, FAAN
 The Clinical Scholar Model: Building Capacity in a Community Hospital
Barbara B. Brewer, PhD, RN, MALS, MBA
 The Clinical Scholar Model: Building Capacity in a Pediatric Facility
Melanie Brewer, DNSc, RN, FNP