Poster Presentation

Monday, November 5, 2007
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Monday, November 5, 2007
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
This presentation is part of : Scientific Posters
The Perceived Influence of Masculinity on Nursing Education Experiences of Recent Male Baccalaureate Nursing Program Graduates
Ken Tillman, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe how men in this study perceived their meaning of masculinity influenced their nursing education experiences
Learning Objective #2: Identify how nursing educators may utilize the findings of this study to enhance nursing education experiences for male students

     The growing shortage of registered nurses in the United States has focused attention on the recruitment of more males into the nursing profession.  The socialization of men entering the nursing profession begins within the context of their nursing education experiences. Men entering nursing education programs are in the gender minority, but are products of a patriarchal society in which males and masculinity are often dominant. Men entering nursing education programs bring their own meaning of masculinity to their education experiences, and their meaning of masculinity in turn influences and shapes their nursing education experiences.

     To explore how perceived meaning of masculinity shapes or influences the nursing education experiences of men, a qualitative study was conducted with eight recent male graduates of a baccalaureate nursing program located at a state university in the southern region of the United States. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview process, and independently analyzed by three co-analysts. Themes that emerged from analysis of the data indicate the men in this study perceived their masculinity as key to their success in nursing school. The men perceived that their masculinity positively influenced their motivation to complete their nursing education, as well as contributed to an overall confidence that many felt was lacking in their female peers. However, the men in this study perceived that their female peers were better at providing psycho-social aspects of care, as well as caring for women and children. The men most often experienced a conflict between their masculinity and role as a nursing student during their experiences in obstetrics/gynecology and pediatrics.

     The findings of this study are not generalizable. However, the findings may be useful to nursing educators in better understanidng the experiences of male nursing students, and in developing strategies to enhance the nursing education experiences of male students.