Methods: The Regis College program is the initial implementation of a master’s program in nursing education for select Haitian nursing faculty. Evaluation of the project is two-fold, examining both implementation and impact. Measures for the former include enrollment/attrition rates, course evaluations. Impact will be assessed using pre and post formal surveys from key stake holders, including deans of nursing at the respective schools, affiliated health professionals and administrators.
Results: The faculty from Haiti enrolled in the master’s program practice concurrently as nursing faculty in Haiti, utilizing their new knowledge and skills to enhance the education of Haitian nurses. These nursing faculty are central to the education of over 1,100 nursing students enrolled in Ministry of Health accredited nursing schools. Improving education of these faculty and future nursing faculty has an exponential impact on the overall quality of nursing care in Haiti now and in the future.
Conclusions: Upon graduation from this master’s program, the first cohort of Haitian faculty will lead the institutionalization of the master’s program in Haiti for all future Haitian nursing faculty. Regis College faculty and administration have committed to educate and mentor three cohorts of nursing faculty from Haiti.