Collaboration to develop the ICNP Catalogue: Paediatric Pain Management

Sunday, 17 November 2013: 3:25 PM

Kathy A. Sheehy, APRN, PCNS-BC
Department of Pain Medicine, Sheik Zayed Institute for Surgical Innovation, Washington, DC
Amrita D. Naipaul, MSN, PCCNP, MBA
Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders, Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC
Susan Keller, MLS, MS-HIT
Children's National Medical Center, Washington, DC

This presentation describes the processes in the collaboration between University based informatics nurse scientists and expert clinicians, a librarian and clinical scientists in a pediatric medical center for the development of an International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) Catalogue of evidence based concepts to describe pediatric pain management. The purpose of the Catalogue is to guide nurses to document and demonstrate the influence of nursing on patient safety, patient and family outcomes, and to serve as the basis for further research. The process was iterative and began in 2010 when the team at the pediatric medical center began meeting with the University informatics nurse scientists to identify evidence based concepts regarding pain management from the medical center’s electronic record system, the pain literature, and ICNP. The consensus on concepts achieved by the group served as the basis for the mapping of the clinical terms to ICNP. If there was no semantic match between the clinical terms and ICNP, new concepts were added to ICNP. The development of the catalogue contributed 98 new concepts (37 diagnoses and outcomes and 61 interventions) to the ICNP. Accordingly, the Paediatric Pain Management Catalogue consisted of 97 nursing diagnosis and outcome statements and 83 intervention statements. The catalogue was published by the International Council of Nurses (ICN). The ICN has approved translation of the paediatric pain catalogue into Chinese Mandarin and Portuguese from requests of nurses interested in testing and implementing the catalogue in their countries. This collaboration produced the first paediatric-specific pain management content set of standardized terms for nursing documentation. As a result, the work of this collaboration enables nurses to evaluate best practices based on scientific evidence in pediatric pain management. Further research is warranted to test the usability of this catalogue by nurses around the world.