5 Easy Steps for Online Education

Saturday, 16 November 2013: 3:55 PM

LeAnne Prenovost, MSN, MBA, MHA, RN
Full Time Online Faculty, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ

Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to describe learning preparation considerations of the student new to online education.

Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to apply the nursing process as a self-assessment related to online learning preparation.

The landscape of the healthcare system is transforming at a rapid pace. With this transformation, the need for higher levels of nursing expertise and education is growing.  However, transformation is also occurring in the way education is delivered in our country. The method of obtaining the necessary education for the future nurse workforce has evolved from the brick and mortar classroom to virtual classes in cyberspace. For many current and potential nurses, the unfamiliar terrain of online learning is a barrier to their educational achievement and advancement. While online nursing programs arise overnight, a false assumption that nurses are prepared for this type of learning exists. While these programs vie for students and offer various methods & support services for their students, there are ways to better prepare nurses and further empower them to be successful in an online learning environment.  Presented will be a step by step guide to prepare the nurse for online education. Included are learning management system considerations, necessary technologies, use of scholarly sources of information in education, academic writing concerns, and use of the Nursing Process in one’s educational self-assessment.