A 17 Using Technology to Enhance Leadership in Nursing Education

Saturday, 16 November 2013: 3:15 PM-4:30 PM
Moderator:  Carole D Liske, PhDc, MSN, RN
It's a Crime to Risk Patient Safety

Angelita M. Cook, MSN, RNC, c-EFM
Family Birthing Center, Mercy Health, Fairfield, OH
Wendy M. Chastain, BSN, RNC-CCE, c-EFM
Family Birthing Unit, Mercy Heatlh Fairfield Hospital, Fairfield, OH
Marie E Leist-Smith, MSN, RNC-OB, c-EFM
Family Birth Center, Mercy Health-Fairfield Hospital, Cincinnati, OH

The NLN's Project to Explore the Use of Simulation for High Stakes Assessment

Mary Anne Rizzolo, EdD, RN, ANEF, FAAN
Research and Professional Development, National League for Nursing, New York, NY

5 Easy Steps for Online Education

LeAnne Prenovost, MSN, MBA, MHA, RN
Full Time Online Faculty, Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ