Methods: A multimedia teaching strategy was developed by three faculty which integrates narrated case study, questioning and animation of skills and pathophysiology to promote engaged learning in the classroom. Implementation of this strategy was done during the class session on infection control specifically addressing tuberculosis. At the conclusion of class, questionnaires were distributed to collect evaluation data. Participants were 154 sophomore generic and accelerated BSN students enrolled in Fundamentals of Nursing at an urban university in the Midwest. Ninety-nine participants were female (66.9%) and 49 (31.8%) were male. Eighty-three percent were less than 20 years to 30 years in age.
Evaluation Findings: 120 students (77.9%) stated that the animated pathophysiology helped them understand the pathophysiological processes better than lecture alone. One student stated “I wish I had seen this presentation when I was taking microbiology or patho.” When combined with lecture, 121 students or 78.6% reported a better understanding of the material than if presented as lecture alone. 123 (79.9%) of the students stated that watching the animated video improved their understanding of the lecture content. As stated by one student, “I liked the visualization because it helped me further understand the material.” 104 (67.5%) stated that presenting course content from multiple courses into one format facilitated the importance of these courses; “I liked that different aspect[s] of nursing were brought together.”
Conclusions: Use of multimedia in the classroom engages students in the learning process by actively involving students in the learning process. Overall, students voiced a preference for all instructional materials to be presented in an animated format. This is consistent with the literature which states that students are more successful when actively engaged in the learning process (Swanson, Nicholson, Boese, Cram, Stineman, & Tew, 2011).
See more of: Oral Paper & Poster: Evidence-Based Practice Sessions