Saturday, 7 November 2015
With collaboration of Haiti and U.S. Nurse Educators, thirteen symposium were implemented. Initially, the training was designed to teach event planning details. Included in this phase were topics such as targeted marketing, budgeting, venue, programs, form development. Secondly, topics were developed in response to Haitian Nurse Leadership. Included were topics covering infectious diseases, team building, and evidence based practice. Future topics planned will include nursing research and simulation education.
As a result of the successful collaboration, Phase Two was implemented. A nursing student scholarship program was established at the Haiti National School of Nursing,
A needs assessment was developed and implemented at a recent symposium. Armed with this information. the nurse educators began creating strategies for advanced nursing degrees, and began the process of developing a simulation laboratory for education and testing. The first 7 manikins arrived March 18, 2015 at Grace Children’s Hospital Education Center in Port-au-Prince, Haiti .