Wednesday, 19 July 2006
This presentation is part of : Implementing an EBP Study in the Clinical Setting: A Focus on Process
Administrative Perspective on Implementing An EBP Study in a Home Care Setting
Florence Marc-Charles, RN, MPA, CHHE, Home Care, Visiting Nurse Service of New York, Jackson Heights, NY, USA

This presentation will provide the administrative perspective related to implementing an evidence-based practice study in a home care setting. Regarding the initial process, open and thorough communication was important to obtain administrative “buy in”. The process, which took place prior to study implementation, will be shared, and it included:  obtaining complete information about the study, assessing how this type of research study could be implemented within the specific organizational division (Long Term Home Health Care Program), and identifying the barriers that exist within the division/agency, which could prevent participation. The process also included identifying the potential positive consequences of supporting study implementation, including opportunities for the staff to grow and enhance their self-esteem, improve patient care, and create a new collaboration with an academic institution. Potential negative consequences, such as impact on productivity, will also be shared. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of having an administrative champion and gaining organizational support for such a project. Finally, this presentation will identify the specific contributions, including financial, that the organization provided for successful study implementation.







See more of Implementing an EBP Study in the Clinical Setting: A Focus on Process
See more of The 17th International Nursing Research Congress Focusing on Evidence-Based Practice (19-22 July 2006)