Center for Expertise in Organization of Health Care, Services and Work
Martine Mayrand Leclerc, RN, PhD, Nursing Department, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Gatineau, QC, Canada and Chantal Viens, RN, PhD, Nursing Department, Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada.
The Center for Expertise of Organization of Health Care, Services and Work was initiated by the Québec Hospital Association labelled as the AQESSS. The purpose of the Center of Expertise and its membership, representing researchers, managers and decision-makers, will be presented. The qualitative investigation of 34 projets and the end-product results of the investigation, the «Practice Guidelines for Organizing Health Care, Services and Work» will be discussed. The impact of the Center of Expertise on Managers and Decision-makers will be discussed, emphasing the importance of networking and mentoring from within and outside the Center for Expertise.